Increased Acumen | Shared Understanding | Action Plan
We design and deliver unconventional workshops in an engaging learning environment that creates enlistment and the opportunity for concrete action.
Outlined below are examples of some of our Workshop offerings. Contact The PEAK Fleet to have us tailor our workshops to meet your organization’s strategic objectives.
Topic: The Future of Work
Title: “Message in a bottle: Creating a prosperous future of work”

“Message in a bottle”
Summary & Objectives: This workshop provides an in-depth examination into future social, economic, business and governmental policy trends related to workforce trends. Discuss research & analysis, learn about social responsibility and economic value indicators, and understand the risks and opportunities of shifts such as the gig economy. Walk away with solid evaluation of implications to your organization and concrete strategic opportunities to create a new talent ecosystem.
Topic: Innovation & Inclusion
Title: “If Necessity is the Mother of Invention, Inclusion is its Sibling”
Summary & Objectives: Hiring creative and innovative talent is only half the battle. If your organizational environment is not set up for their success, these investments will be wasted. Led by seasoned inventors and innovators, this workshop will help you understand the inventor’s mind, but determine what process, culture, and reward systems changes need to be made to create fertile soil for innovation success.
Topic: Teamwork, Collaboration & Leadership
Title: “Lessons from the Jazz Ensemble”
Summary & Objectives: This workshop provides a shining example of how to achieve lasting, engaged & successful collaborative teams. Percussionist Mel Brown has been an icon of the Portland, Oregon jazz community since 1973. He has assembled some of the top regional jazz musicians into the groups he has formed. Some of these groups have been together for over 20 years, with Mel as the binding force. And yet, in each of his groups the members have their own place, a respected voice, and leadership roles. With a framework and experience to guide them, but no set lists or rules, the group’s improvisational style is the perfect learning tool for corporate collaborative teams.
During this team building workshop, you will learn how to create your own framework and collaborative leadership practice. You’ll learn from Mel and his group members how to create a culture that sustains successful improvisational and collaborative groups. And you might just learn and appreciate jazz music a bit more in this enriching, action-oriented, and inspiring presentation.

Organizational Development through the Arts.